Use A Gas Heater To Warm Space In Your Home

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Gas heaters can be a cheap and cost effective way to heat spaces in your home. They are portable and do not require external venting ducts, flue or a chimney. Natural gas or propane is used as fuel to burn. You can use a gas heater as an alternative heating source in your home, especially when it gets extra cold during the winters. These portable gas heaters are becoming popular additions to many homes. The conventional furnaces in homes needs vents to expel air outside while gas heaters don't require vents and can be placed almost anywhere in your home.

Various Types Of Heaters

There are different models and manufacturers of ventless gas heaters around the world. There are wall mounted, blue flame, radiant, free standing and some are gas logs.

 * Blue flame heaters: These heaters can be free standing or wall mounted and has a ribbon type burner, which when heated resembles a regular fireplace minus the mess. Some of these gas heaters have a rounded hearth cabinet with concealed controls and can be wall mounted or can be floor standing. This type of heaters work well in insulated areas.

* Gas logs: This is a type of gas heater which provides a natural wood-like fire with maximum ease, efficiency and economy. This type of heater is detailed with natural colors for an authentic look of wood. Their beauty and comfort can give you pleasure and are an ideal choice if you want the warmth of a fireplace without hauling wood and cleaning out the ash residues. Vent free gas logs can be used without a chimney.

 * Garage heaters: There are many options when you need to choose a gas heater for your garage. Natural gas heaters will not be affected by electricity blackouts or loss. It will be propelled by your home's natural gas line. You can use an infrared natural gas heater as well, which is silent in operation, has no ductwork or vents or open flame and does not take up much space.

 * Radiant Heaters: A gas fire radiant heater has a radiant tube which emits radiant energy in all directions. These types of heaters are good if you want to warm an area quickly.

Deciding On Heaters

No matter which type of ventless gas heater you decide, buy it based on where you need to use it and the size. There are many variations which may help you decide including the amount of energy consumed, the rating which tells you the heat it provides which is measured in BTUs. This figure helps you determine how large the room must be for the portable gas heater to function properly.

You can buy many variations of a gas heater for your home as they are never identical in design. With an extensive choice available, you are sure to find one that suits your budget and requirements. It will provide a unique focal point in any space in your home. You get comforting warmth at the touch of a button and they can save you money on your heating bills.
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Portable Home Gas Heaters Buying Advice

Portable home gas heaters are an excellent addition to a household. They offer homeowners a number of advantages over other heating systems, specifically their maneuverability and low running cost. Prior to visiting your local store to check out what is available, it is worth taking a moment to consider the following tips and advice. The portable models, no matter what the fuel source, allows for a warm and comforting heat to be provided, be it in the living room, bedroom, or garage.

Portable systems can be moved from room to room, they are a great additional heating device or can be used as on their own. The systems can be bought that work off either natural or propane fuel. Which would be preferable for you would depend upon the current cost of these fuels. Many consumers prefer propane as it is more widely available. As a general rule, a portable appliance would cost far less to run and maintain than an electric design.

Not only are there fewer parts that can become worn out, the price of this fuel as compared to electricity is extremely low. Be under no illusion the electricity costs will continue to rise upwards, whereas propane and natural fuel will increase much slower. Another important consideration is that there can be times when your home suffers an outage.

In an emergency situation, a portable system is a godsend. If a blizzard hits your region in the depths of winter and brings down power lines, you will at least be able to stay warm if you have a propane heating unit. On a final note, before you buy a home gas heater, whether it is portable or fixed, make sure there is adequate ventilation in the room. Most gas systems give off some emissions which should not be breathed in on a constant basis, so it is important to have ventilation in the rooms where it is used.
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A Look At Small Home Gas Heaters

There are many times an individual has a room or area that needs to be heated in cool weather. The heat will keep the room comfortable and prevent mold, which can be harmful to the health. A small home gas heater can often be the answer when an individual wants to save on utility bills and does not need their entire home heated. These heaters come in a variety of sizes, can use natural or Butane gas, and may be stationary or movable. Most people prefer the small, portable one that can be moved about easily.

This type of heater can be constructed so that you do not need to provide a vent to avoid harmful fumes. One model that is available has 7,000 BTU and can heat 200 square feet. It is so small it can be carried in a small bag and is a favorite if you enjoy camping or other outings. It uses a very small amount of Butane gas and has a convenient handle.

 These heaters have also been found to be an excellent addition to regular heat if you have someone who is sensitive to cold and you don't want to raise the home's overall temperature. There are many advantages to using this kind of heater. Its capacity usually is between 10,000 BTU and 40,000 BTU per hour and they can use natural gas, propane or or kerosene. In checking out the various types of small gas heaters you will find that if you only want to heat a certain location or use it for a short time the best ones have radiant heating.

The infrared radiation they give out heats up people or objects that are within their immediate radius. By heating up a person or a specific area you will not use up as much energy as if you were heating the entire room. If you want to heat an entire room you will need a convection space heater which circulates air throughout the area. Everyone is aware of the need for safety when operating a small gas heater. For this reason there are certain guideline you should follow to avoid fires or other problems.

 The newer models of these heaters has an Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) label which means it meets all safety standards. Thermostatically controlled heaters, which allow you to set the temperature, save energy because they do overheat. It is also important that you choose a home gas heater that is the correct size for the area of the room.

Every heater has a chart attached designating what specific space it will heat that you can check. Oversized heaters will waste energy and cost you extra money and, finally, care should also be taken to determine if a vented or unvented heater will work best in your situation.
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Gas Ventless Heaters - 4 Top Reasons to Choose Them

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gas ventless heaters are stealing the limelight nowadays. It is impossible to live without heaters. When the temperature nosedives below zero, nothing, but a good heating system to prevent your bones from freezing and your teeth from chattering, is the only solution. The central heating system has been long used in US homes, but ventless heaters are new on the block. However, their benefits have made them very popular in a short time.

Comparing Ventless Heaters With Vented Ones

Gas ventless heaters do not expel air outside the house. They work by utilizing the oxygen present in the room and generate heat that is pushed back directly into the room. Therefore, there is no place for outside air in this unit. Such mechanism increases the efficiency of the heater. This is where these gas heaters have an edge over the traditional ones. The latter use air from outside, and because of the vents present, they lose a lot of heat.

Natural gas ventless heaters are more efficient than pellet or wood burning heaters. For the health conscious souls, pellet or wood burning heating systems are bad choices, as they emit smoke. The vents made for ejecting smoke outside also pull out a major portion of the heat generated, thus decreasing the efficiency of heaters. Besides, smoke is loaded with carbon monoxide is, as it is, dangerous for the lungs?

4 Top Benefits of Gas Ventless Heaters

* They are eco-friendly heaters that use natural gas, which produces no soot or any form of harmful by-products.

* Their fuel efficiency is 99.9 percent. They cut down the power bill also. You can switch them off when not in use. Besides, unlike central heating system, they do not heat your whole house, saving a lot of energy.

* You can refill natural gas easily at your nearest dealer. Moreover, you may not need a frequent refill, with these heaters.

* They are portable. You can mount them on a wall or place them on the table. You can also shift them to another room with ease.

Such heaters come in different models, like wall mounted, stand alone, blue flame, and radiant version. These are great devices during power shortages because they do not let the heat escape from the room.

If your power bills send shivers down your spine, then it is time to install gas heaters without vents. Although there is a controversy attached with these heaters, their advantages overshadow the doubts. A large number of households have already begun using this type of natural and eco-friendly heating system.

We ought to be responsible citizens and care for the planet. You cannot feel proud to own smoke-producing heaters that leave a long trail of carbon footprints. You are intoxicating not only the environment, but also your own body. Therefore, the solution to a warm, cozy home, without carbon traces, lies in gas ventless heaters.
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About this blog

Gas heaters can be a cheap and cost effective way to heat spaces in your home. They are portable and do not require external venting ducts, flue or a chimney. Natural gas or propane is used as fuel to burn. These portable gas heaters are becoming popular additions to many homes.There are different models and manufacturers of ventless gas heaters around the world. There are wall mounted, blue flame, radiant, free standing and some are gas logs

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